Aven Le Zhou ZICHI (2019) is an interactive musical AI. Being more than a playable instrument, it is also…
Monica Dinculescu Hearing Vera Molnár (2019) Vera Molnár is one of the earliest pioneers of digital art. In…
Vibert Thio Sornting: Song + Sorting (2019). It’s a game based on a musical machine learning algorithm which…
Nimrod Shapira Blue Jeans & Bloody Tears In May 2019, Tel Aviv hosted the 64th Eurovision song contest…
Guilherme Coelho Jargon (2019). These pieces were generated using a PerformanceRnn, an LSTM-based recurrent neural network that applies…
CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski Relentless Doppelganger (2019). Neural network generating death metal, via livestream 24/7 to infinity. Trained on the music…
Andrew Pfalz The moon who makes the birds dream in the trees (2018) https://apfalz.github.io/the_moon_who_makes_the_birds_dream_in_the_trees.mp3 This work was produced…
Amber Frid-Jimenez Je m’appelle Erik Satie comme tout le monde – My name is Erik Satie Like Everyone…